
Understanding Click-Through Rate (CTR)


Click-Through Rate Click-Through Rate CTR stands for Click-Through Rate. It is a metric that measures the number of clicks a piece of content receives divided by the number of times it is shown (impressions). CTR is usually displayed as a percentage and is a useful indicator of how effective your marketing is at engaging users […]

Conducting a Comprehensive Keyword Audit for SEO Success


audit audit A keyword audit is a process used in SEO to evaluate the effectiveness of a website’s keyword strategy. It involves analyzing the keywords that a website ranks for, as well as the performance of the pages and content associated with those keywords. The goal of a keyword audit is to identify areas for […]

Nestlé highlights increased brand investment as key pillar of return to volume growth


brand investment brand investment Mark Schneider, the CEO of Nestlé, has emphasized how important increased brand investment will be in generating volume growth again in 2024. The company, which owns well-known brands like KitKat, Nespresso, and Purina, saw a respectable 7.2 percent increase in sales of organic products in 2023. Its real internal growth (RIG) […]

Maximizing eCommerce Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Marketing Strategies


eCommerce eCommerce Digital marketing for eCommerce websites is the use of online platforms to promote a brand, spread its message, and attract customers. Here are some common digital marketing strategies for eCommerce websites: 1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization): This strategy aims to improve the visibility of eCommerce sites on search engines like Google or Bing. […]

native advertising vs content marketing


native advertising native advertising Native advertising and content marketing are both effective strategies for promoting a brand and engaging the target audience. However, they serve different purposes and are best used in different situations. Native advertising is a form of online marketing that blends seamlessly into websites with valuable information and is designed to increase […]